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Samples of Coursework

HLTH 2400: Literature Review

In this work I analyzed physical activity as a health behavior among the adolescent population by using behavior theoreis to examine the multi-level factors that contribute to or inhibit the amount that youth partake in, as well as investigate and recommend interventions to increase participation. By using a Healthy People 2030 objective to establish the framework, I combed through various research sources and deepened my understanding of what factors play a role in a physical activity as a health behavior, such as opportunities and support through school programs and one’s belief that they can carry out an activity. Throughout this investigation I learned the importance that research has in the implementation of health policies, and as I continue to pursue a career in the healthcare field, having a well-rounded comprehension of health behaviors and their contributors can serve as an important tool in providing quality and equitable care.

HLTH 4700: SDG3 in Rwanda

This paper functions as a case study that analyzes the burden of lower respiratory illnesses (LRI) in Rwanda and its role in inhibiting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal #3, Good Health and Well-being, by the year 2030. In this, three contributing factors to LRI are outlined and evidence-based intervention recommendations are proposed to guide improvements in these systems and, ultimately, reduce LRI rates. Through this report I deepened my understanding of social determinants of health on different levels and their interconnectivity. Furthermore, I strengthened my critical thinking skills in the application of research literature to real-world contexts.

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